Friday, October 31, 2008

My new skills

To be honest when we had to do lesson 4 of recreating a web site using XHTML and CSS code, I panicked. I felt thrown into the deep end of a pool and drowning. But, it turns out that was the best way to get a refresher quickest. It forced me to revisit what I had learned in Web Essentials class that I took last semester.
After lesson 4, we now have gone back and are diving more in detail to our XHTML and CSS. I am learning that there was quite a few mistakes that I made on my lesson 4 which is good, because now I can learn from them and not do it anymore. I didn't realize that I was using break, bolds, and span tags to much. I need to learn how to do it differently in CSS. But I want it to still give me the same results.
I appreciated the feedback for lesson 4. Otherwise, I would not have known that I was using my code wrong. I would also like to have feedback on my other assignments. I would like to honestly known when I am doing a good job or if my work needs more changes made. This has been my favorite class so far and I feel like I am learning so much. This is the field of my choosing for a career and I just want to learn as much as possible. Thank you for any help or advice I can get.

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